Vegetarian Loaf Family Size
Vegetarian loaf with mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, and mixed veg
4 portions per family meal
Vegetarian loaf with mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, and mixed veg
4 portions per family meal
Product Highlights
Nutrition Facts
Vegetarian Loaf (Onion, Mushroom, Brown Rice, Walnuts, Almonds, Cottage Cheese, Cheese, Eggs, Butter, Garlic, Thyme, Marjoram, Basil, Terragon, Sherry, Parsley, Salt, Pepper) (0)
Mashed Potatoes (Potatoes, Butter, Cream, Salt, Pepper) (0)
Stuffing (Bread, Onion, Leeks, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Salt) (0)
Vegetable Medley (0)
Vegetarian Gravy (Butter, Flour, Vegetable Stock) (0)
Cranberry Sauce (0)
How to prepare
Standard Oven: Reheat for 5-10 min. at 350°F
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