Winter Harvest Grain Bowl
Warm winter grain bowl with brown rice, quinoa, beets, kale, roasted sweet potatoes and butternut squash, feta, dried cranberries and roasted pumpkin seeds. Served with a balsamic dressing.
Warm winter grain bowl with brown rice, quinoa, beets, kale, roasted sweet potatoes and butternut squash, feta, dried cranberries and roasted pumpkin seeds. Served with a balsamic dressing.
Product Highlights
Nutrition Facts
Brown Rice (0)
Quinoa (0)
Kale (0)
Beets (0)
Butternut Squash (0)
Sweet Potatoes (0)
Cranberries (0)
Pumpkin Seeds (0)
Feta Cheese (0)
Balsamic Vinaigrette (Balsamic Vinegar, Olive Oil, Mayo, Dijon Mustard, Salt) (0)
How to prepare
Remove Film:
Microwave: Reheat for 2-3 min. on High
Standard Oven: Reheat for 5-10 min. at 350°F
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