Cheese Tortellini
Cheese tortellini with a creamy tomato sauce, spinach, cherry tomatoes and topped with parmesan.
Cheese tortellini with a creamy tomato sauce, spinach, cherry tomatoes and topped with parmesan.
Product Highlights
Nutrition Facts
Tortellini (0)
House Marinara Sauce (Onion, Diced Tomatoes, Tomato Paste, Water, Garlic, Basil, Oregano, Thyme, Salt, Pepper) (0)
Cream (0)
Tomatoes (0)
Spinach (0)
Red Pepper Flakes (0)
How to prepare
Remove Film:
Microwave: Reheat for 2-3 min. on High
Standard Oven: Reheat for 5-10 min. at 350°F
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