Keto Creole Basa
Seasoned basa served with cauliflower rice and a creole tomato sauce.
Seasoned basa served with cauliflower rice and a creole tomato sauce.
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Product Highlights
Nutrition Facts
Basa (0)
Cauliflower Rice (0)
Creole Sauce (Onions, Peppers, Celery, Diced Tomatoes, Vegetable Stock, Tomato Paste, Jalapenos, Worcestershire Sauce, Green Onion, Thyme, Garlic, Parsley, Bay Leaves, Butter, Salt, Pepper) (0)
Lemon (0)
How to prepare
Remove Film:
Microwave: Reheat for 2-3 min. on High
Standard Oven: Reheat for 10-15 min. at 350°F
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Subtotal: $3.00
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