Keto Smoked Sausage Hash
Smoked Sausage with sautéed turnips, cabbage, onion, and bell pepper. Served with a fried egg on top with green onion and cheese.
Smoked Sausage with sautéed turnips, cabbage, onion, and bell pepper. Served with a fried egg on top with green onion and cheese.
Product Highlights
Nutrition Facts
Smoked Sausage (0)
Eggs (0)
Yellow Onions (0)
Bell Peppers (0)
Green Cabbage (0)
Turnip (0)
Cheese (0)
Garlic (0)
Paprika (0)
Italian Seasoning (0)
Green Onion (0)
How to prepare
Remove Film:
Microwave: Reheat for 2-3 min. on High
Standard Oven: Reheat for 10-15 min. at 350°F
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