Low Carb BBQ Chicken Thighs
Chicken thighs cooked in BBQ sauce. Served with cauliflower mash and coleslaw
Chicken thighs cooked in BBQ sauce. Served with cauliflower mash and coleslaw
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Product Highlights
Nutrition Facts
Chicken Thigh (0)
Cauliflower Mash (Cauliflower, Butter, Cream, Parmesan, Garlic, Salt, Pepper) (0)
Coleslaw (Cabbage, Carrot, Mayo Apple Cider Vinegar, Sugar, Celery Seed, Salt, Pepper) (0)
BBQ Sauce (0)
BBQ Seasoning (0)
Garlic (0)
How to prepare
Remove Film:
Microwave: Reheat for 2-3 min. on High
Standard Oven: Reheat for 10-15 min. at 350°F
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