Mesa Salad Family Size
Mesa Salad with black beans, corn, tomatoes, red onion, a side of crispy tortilla strips and jalapeno ranch dressing. (Adding some avocado is recommended)
4 portions per family meal
Mesa Salad with black beans, corn, tomatoes, red onion, a side of crispy tortilla strips and jalapeno ranch dressing. (Adding some avocado is recommended)
4 portions per family meal
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Product Highlights
Nutrition Facts
Mixed Salad Greens (0)
Jalapeno Ranch (Mayo, Sour Cream, Ranch Seasoning, Jalapenos, Cilantro, Salt, Pepper) (0)
Tortilla Strips (0)
Corn (0)
Black Beans (0)
Cherry Tomatoes (0)
Red Onion (0)
Cheese (0)
Cilantro (0)
How to prepare
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